
For a full copy of the Board’s individual policies follow the links below:

Board Policies:

Alconbury & Ellington Privacy Notice 

Alconbury & Ellington Policy Statement 

Alconbury & Ellington Policy Statement Addendum Assets & Ecology


Bedfordshire & River Ivel Board Privacy Notice 

Bedfordshire & River Ivel Policy Statement

Bedfordshire & River Ivel Policy Statement Addendum – Assets

Bedfordshire & River Ivel Policy Statement Addendum – Ecology


Buckingham & River Ouzel Privacy Notice

Buckingham & River Ouzel Policy Statement

Buckingham & River Ouzel Policy Statement Addendum – Assets

Buckingham & River Ouzel Policy Statement Addendum – Ecology


Group wide Policies:

Area & Infrastructure-

Supplementary guidance for the Adoption & Abandonment of watercourses

Asset Prioritisation Criteria



Environmental Responsibilities

Ragwort Control Policy

Rechargeable Works Policy and Staff Plan

Supplier Performance Policy

Sustainability Policy



Capital Financing and Reserves Policy

Financial Regulations

Investment Strategy

Plant Replacement Policy

Rate Levies and Collection Policy

Rights to Inspect, ask questions about and challenge items in the Accounts

Safeguarding Public Money Policy

Schedule of Charge Out Rates



Governance policies can be viewed here.


Board Members-

Election of Members Policy (Casual Vacancies)

Members Code of Conduct

Members Responsibilities, Duties and Liabilities



Planning and Byelaw Strategy


Development Control Charges and Fees


Standing Orders:

Each of the Boards have their own Standing Orders which are approved by the Secretary of State under paragraph 3(1) of the Second Schedule to the Land Drainage Act 1991.  The relevant statutory provisions governing the proceedings of an Internal Drainage Board are set out in the Annex of these Rules for reference purposes:


Alconbury & Ellington Revised Standing Orders 2021

Bedfordshire & River Ivel Revised Standing Orders 2021

Buckingham & River Ouzel Revised Standing Orders 2021


Confirmation certificate – Standing Orders 2021